Friday, March 30, 2012

Challenge 64 and other random tangles

Happy Friday on this next to the last day of March.  I am the Diva's challenge this week is for everyone to use the same string - 8 (quasi) special right triangles (one 90º and two 45º angles).  I was sitting in an all-day training this week when I created my tiles.  I've said before that Zentangle helps me focus and opens my auditory processing so I can retain more of what's being said.  Therefore, I didn't pay a lot of attention to what I was drawing.

The top one was done on an actual tile and the other two in my sketchbook.  Of course, at some point (after lunch) I just started tangling on a random string in my sketchbook (which for some reason only scanned as a portion:

I had to take a picture of it and resave to get the whole thing:

Uhm.... no matter how I turn it it looks a little phallic.  Oh well... probably had something to do with the lecture on how psychotropic medications effect the body...  :-)

I'm looking forward to my grandson's visit this weekend.  It will be a wonderful whirlwind of 2-yr-old activity here.  I hope everyone has a weekend that is filled with your favorite things to do, too!

Happy tangling!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

No challenge this week -

other than setting up a new computer.  I have to rebuild all of my bookmarks and other stuff (and get used to a new keyboard) so I don't have time to tangle this week...

I'll be ooo ing and ahhh ing over everyone else's offerings, though.

Happy Tangling!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Challenge #61 UMT v.II Golven

Mariet's tangle pattern, Golven, is this week's challenge from I Am the Diva.  My tile was actually started before the challenge was posted.  I've mentioned before that I often tangle during church services to keep my mind from wandering and my butt from squirming in my seat (back row center of the choir loft - pretty noticeable!).  I rarely finish one and this one was no exception.  I took my tile home and forgot about it until Monday when Diva posted her challenge.  The center just beckoned to be filled with Mariet's waves.  Love the tangle and I will definitely be using it again!

Happy Tangling!